Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ragini Shri's history

It all started as early as when I was five years old. With the blessings of Karur Krishnamoorthy, who was my first Carnatic music teacher, music ultimately became my second nature. Back then in the early days, although music was enjoyable, not to mention those encouraging pats from family and friends for the informal concerts at every get together, I never imagined that I would pursue it as a career. Things took a sharp turn as I started learning from Late Mrs. Sulochana Pattabhiraman fondly known as “Maami”. That was when the idea of a career in the music was strongly entrenched in my mind. From then on, it was not an easy path. But nonetheless, the musical journey so far has been very much enjoyable and extremely satisfying which makes up many more times for all those lost rewards.

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